They provide free shipping for all orders over $49 within the United States and for all international orders over $150.00 (they provide a list of countries with this info available under the “international” tab). Their FAQ page has answers to common questions about shopping with them and their shipping policies. They have a blog with tips on how you can get more value when shopping online as well as informative articles about fashion and sports.

On their homepage, they also have an inventory section located where you can see all of the clearance items that are currently available. It’s also possible to view their list of sales by category, brand, and size. They have a clearance section where it is easy to find items on sale. These codes are typically valid for a limited time and can’t be combined with other offers or coupons. Additional savings can be found by using one of their discount codes available on their website (they have this info listed under the “discounts” tab). They also offer free shipping when shopping with them for more than $50 in a single order. This company sells products from brands like Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, and Hanes for up to 50% off the original price. The company is headquartered in Los Angeles. They offer a variety of prices and offers, with no membership fees or commissions to pay.ĭirect Liquidation is an online store that provides discounted prices on clearance items from a wide range of retailers. Nowadays, stores are turning towards direct liquidation outfits to get rid of their leftover wares without having them sit around in storage spaces or showrooms for months at a time.ĭirect Liquidation is one of the largest liquidators of closeouts and overstocks in the nation.
In the past, this could mean thousands of square feet of warehouse space filling up with unsold items-items you’re paying storage fees on until you decide how to handle them. To know more about Direct Liquidation reviews, a company that specialised in online liquidations, overstock items, and the services it provides read this article! Overview:Ĭompanies of all sizes often have extra inventory they need to clear out in order to make room for new products.

They offer discounts on products that have been discontinued or if their inventory has been depleted through popular demand. The employees are knowledgeable and understanding which helps keep the customers coming back year after year. If you’re looking for convenience in your beauty routine without putting up with the long lines at a department store, then Direct Liquidation is perfect for you! This review will provide you with all of the details about Direct Liquidation and help you to make an informed decision about whether or not to use this drugstore.ĭirect Liquidation is a company that offers excellent customer service, cheap prices, and quick turnaround. Why buy new when you can purchase gently used items for a fraction of the price?ĭirect Liquidation carries a wide variety of items from brands such as Nike, Rolex, Levi’s, and Lacoste - with new items coming in daily.ĭirect Liquidation is a company that offers excellent customer service, cheap prices, and quick turnaround. With their discounted prices and recycling program, you can be confident in knowing that they’re doing their part for the environment. The more you buy, the more you’ll save! That’s why Direct Liquidation is the perfect place to find wholesale prices on clothing, jewelry, and electronics.